
A sterilisation tracking system that works for you

Scroll down to see, how Ltrace helps you in every step of CSSD and theatre.

How do I process this item?

Immediately have access to

Save time in pack by having everything in front of you. Count sheets on demand. Photos and instructions to help avoid errors and assist new staff.

What is this item?

By printing a unique label, you can avoid a range of issues.

Where is it?

This bar code can now be used to track the item throughout your facility.  It can be used to instantly bring up the entire history of the item. It will instantly warn staff if it is unsterile or in the wrong location.

Is it sterile?

When it comes to sterilizing, simply scan the barcode on the trolley and then all the items on it. You now know exactly what is in a load. No more vague records. No more guessing what is in the current load.

And if you ever do need to recall a load (which we are sure you won’t), you will know exactly what was in the load, where it currently is, and if it was used on a patient. Instantly. No more wading through patient notes and searching shelves.

Where is it?

If your facility has multiple storage locations, you can easily find the room and even the shelf where an item is being held. You can even scan items to theatre prep trolleys. It is up to you. Scanning items takes a small amount of time, but needing to go searching at the wrong time can be life-threatening. 

Is it safe to use?

When theatre scans items, they will be instantly alerted if there are any risks such as the item being unsterile or recalled. If all is fine, at the end of the procedure they enter the patient’s details and everything is now linked.

You will receive a comprehensive list of items used by patients which you can use in infection control, maintaining accurate tool counts and enhancing patient billing accuracy.

What about washing?

Scanning your instruments before and after they are decontaminated offers you traceability equal to that of sterilization. You now know when an item was washed, and with what other items. This list can also be used at pack to help identify items. 

Can it help with loan sets?

Every hospital experiences the challenges of loan sets. In LTrace theatre staff can raise a loan set request and watch the status as it is received, processed and used. Requests can be grouped together when an item remains on site.

Reach out today to see, how we can help you

LTrace is tried and tested, just ask..

Timaru Public Hospital

The Central Sterilising Department at Timaru Public Hospital decided to get a tracking system for surgical instruments seven years ago. Their main goals for the system were to gain:

Timaru Hospital

Here’s what they said:

“Our previous system was manual, where each sterilizing load’s items were handwritten on a sheet. It provided basic information about the contents of each load, but everything had to be done by hand, which often led to inaccuracies when staff forgot to list items.

We had multiple sources for gathering and storing information, such as recording equipment tests and maintenance. With the electronic system, all data is stored on the PC and backed up by our IT Department. Previously, obtaining statistical information was time-consuming, as everything had to be counted manually. For instance, determining the number of sterilizing loads per month or the count of Fast-Tracked items required hours of manual work.

As a manager, I now have a reporting area in LTrace that provides a comprehensive overview. I can access details about staff workloads, Fast-Tracked and rejected items, load counts, monthly production, and more. It’s a reporting system I rely on daily. LTrace enables both my team and me to instantly see the scanned equipment in each theatre, streamlining the process of tracking used and cleared items. During our search for a suitable system, there were major players in the market. We evaluated available options and compared prices within our budget. LTrace offered a feature-rich solution at a competitive cost.

Support services from most companies were located overseas, with no local technicians or software writers in New Zealand. Regardless of the company, they were reachable through phone, email, and remote access.

OnSolution, on the other hand, was a smaller company with Shane as the sole software writer. We had extensive discussions about system support during our evaluation. Despite being with CSU for seven years, we have encountered no significant support issues with OnSolution. They promptly respond with solutions or remote fixes for any problems. They visit our company annually and are dedicated to tailoring the system to our evolving needs. I am extremely satisfied with both the system and OnSolution’s support. My team and I have come to rely on the system. It’s user-friendly, efficient, and contains all the necessary information we require.”

Jill Parker
Clinical Leader
Central Sterilising Unit
Timaru Public Hospital