What was washed and when?
LTrace provides the following key functions when decontaminating items:
Decontaminated-only items
Tracking them to the decontamination batch and optionally printing labels for them
Sterilised items
Tracking them to the decontamination batch from before they were sterilised and after they were used.
Washing of decontaminated-only items
As a decontaminated load is loaded or accepted, the user can specify how many decontaminated-only items were present.
LTrace will optionally print labels for each of these items. This is useful for where the items will be bagged. Once labelled, the location of the item can be tracked and assigned to a patient once it is used.
Invoicing is also simplified by knowing how many items are being sterilised for a customer as well as knowing who is using the item.
Washing of sterilised items
Once an item has been used by a patient, it is decontaminated. By tracking the load in which an item is decontaminated, is possible to track cross contamination.
As an item is being sterilised it is possible (if it is a uniquely identified item) to automatically track it back to the previous decontamination batch. From this, if there was any issue with dirty items then the sterilised items could be recalled.
When the item is returned to CSSD then:
- the item’s unique identified (e.g. barcode) can be scanned to identify the item; or
- the item’s sterilisation label can be used to scan the item; or
- the user can select from a list of recently used items
These items can either be marked as “Returned to CSSD” or added to a decontamination batch.

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Scan trolley
Select what is being loaded. This can be easily done by:
- Scanning the barcode on the trolley/insert
- Selecting the trolley/insert in the software

Scan items
Scan the returned items from theatre that are being loaded. This can be done by:
- Scanning the barcode on the tray
- Scanning the barcode on the list of trays returned from theatre
- Selecting a recent procedure and selecting the item(s)

Assign trolley to washer
If a trolley/insert can be loaded into multiple washers, you will need to specify which washer it has been loaded into.

Release the load
At the end of the load, inspect the washer printout and inspect the load. If you are satisfied then enter the cycle number and release the load.
(Note: Interfaces are available that will automatically enter the cycle number)
Within decontamination there are only two screens that you will be using.