LTrace is Sterilisation Tracking Made Easy
The LTrace software and process was developed to meet the Quality Assurance requirements of departments where the tracking of sterilised item from the moment of sterilisation to the moment of use is essential.
The information and procedures it brings will assist in ensuring that the requirements for accreditation are easily met.
By simply scanning a tray you immediately see:
- Photos
- Instructions
- Count sheet
- Warnings of old or overused instruments
Knowing exactly where all your trays are at any time
Being able to recall an entire load with a click of the button
Be able to fast track an item through the process so that staff are aware of the item every step of the way through. In fact, you can plan the day in advance and determine which items will need to be fast tracked.
Know which items were used on a patient and:
- who used them next
- who used them previously
- when they were decontaminated and sterilised before and with what other items
- when they were decontaminated and sterilised after and with what other items
- by which surgeon, in which theatre, with what other staff
Manage loan sets both from other facilities and to other facilities.
But most all,
imagine being able to do it all
A recommendation for LTrace
from Timaru Public Hospital
The Central Sterilising Unit decided to get a tracking system for surgical instruments seven years ago.
The rationale behind getting a tracking system was to get:
- statistical information, an inventory of all instruments,
- a billing/costing system,
- transparency of process,
- real time where, what and how.
- patient safety e.g. easy accurate recall of product if needed.
- patients audits on what and where.
Our old system was a manual system, with all items written on a sheet for each sterilising load. It gave us basic information of what went on a load. Everything had to be hand written. It was not very accurate, with staff sometimes forgetting to list items.
There were multiple areas from where information had to be gathered and stored e.g. recording the testing of equipment, maintenance, etc.
With the electronic system its all on the PC, and backed up by our IT Department.
To get any statistical information would take hours as information had to be counted manually e.g. how many sterilising loads for month, how many Fast Tracked items etc
As a manager I have a reporting area on LTrace where I can get everything from staff workload undertaken, fast tracked items, rejected items, load counts, monthly production etc, the list goes on.
It is a reporting system that I utilise every day.
My staff and myself can see on LTrace what’s been scanned into each theatre so it’s fast and efficient to see what equipment is being used and what is cleared from the theatres.
At the time we were looking for a system there were some big players selling. We looked at what was out there and priced up what we could afford.
LTrace gave us a system with all the bells and whistles and was cost competitive.
Most support was overseas with no New Zealand based technician/software writers here.
With all the companies, they were available by phone or email, then remote access.
OnSolution was a small company and Shane was the sole software writer. At the time we had much discussion surrounding support for the system.
CSU have had the system for seven years and in that time we have not had any major issues with support. OnSolution will get back to us with the answer or will remotely fix any problem.
The company visit once a year and are always ready to develop the system to meet our needs. I am more than happy with the system and the support of OnSolution.
The staff and myself could not be without the system now. It’s quick and easy to use and holds all the information my staff and myself need.
Jill Parker
Clinical Leader
Central Sterilising Unit
Timaru Public Hospital